Reviews & Testimonials

What are past clients saying about My Keto Coach?

Read what my clients are saying about their experience with either my Easy Keto Diet Plan, or their 1 on 1 Keto Consultation they had over the phone. 

Raj Patel Keto Coach and Pruvit Product Expert-Profile-Photo

Keto Consultation Reviews

Simple Personalized Keto Diet Plan

Keto Diet Plan Reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 52 reviews)

Really impressed with book!...I feel support is there constantly...*

Really impressed with book it is so clear and helpful. Also when I didn’t know something I emailed Raj and got a quick response. I feel support is there constantly when I open my emails with little tips etc. Highly recommend. Thank you.*

Jackie F.

36 lbs in 8 weeks you gave me some advice that calmed me and helped me to continue!*

Raj, thanks for your help this morning. After getting on the scales and seeing a little scary 6 lbs in 4 days come off after losing a previous 36 lbs in 8 weeks you gave me some advice that calmed me and helped me to continue. All without mentioning payment or any compensation. You are a coach that cares about the person and not the pocketbook. You don’t find that very often! Again, Thanks. If I were to get a coach, you would be the one. – Ray*

Ray K.

Thank you for writing a simple and easy plan to follow...I already feel the energy*

Thank you for writing a simple and easy plan to follow. I just started the Keto diet plan a few days ago. I have not weighed myself yet but I already feel the energy. I switch shifts every week for work and sometimes it’s very hard to be consistent with any plan. You have given some great tips and I truly feel encouraged about your plan. Thanks Bettina*

Bettina M.

Raj helped me through every step. I lost 4 kg in one week by doing his plan...*

I was just getting into the Keto diet and needed some guide and Raj helped me through every step. He responds really fast, helpful, answers all your questions, and most importantly, his plan works. I lost 4 kg in one week by doing his plan and what I like about it is that its easy, simple, and not strict yet you see amazing results. He really does understand the Ketogenic diet and personalize it based on you as an individual.*

Faysal S.

I downloaded MyKetoCoach and life has been simplified*

I tried the high end 400 plus page keto cookbooks and found the recipes to be too time consuming. After spending 2 hours trying to make my own keto bread I realized the plan just wasn’t for me. As a pharmacist with two boys of my own I just didn’t have that kind of time. I downloaded MyKetoCoach and life has been simplified. Down 5 pounds in 2 weeks and have become a fat burning machine!*

James B.

* Disclaimer: The results depicted in the photos (or described in the testimonial) are unique to the individual, and achieved through dedication to a specific diet and exercise regimen in conjunction with Prüvit’s dietary supplements. Results may vary by individual.

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